Tape over ink or sit on the bench

Storm surge after back to back Wahs sin bins

LeagueNews.co | Jess Malloy

A young footy player from Cronulla has copped a stern warning to hide a controversial tattoo or risk being sidelined from the game.

The ink in question, which includes some offensive phrases, has caused quite a stir online.

According to the legendary Phil 'Buzz' Rothfield from The Daily Telegraph, the Cronulla junior has been put on notice by league officials to cover up a homophobic tattoo or face being kicked off the field for good.

The news broke over the weekend and Rothfield spilled the beans during a chat on The Big Sports Weekend.

Rothfield spilled the beans that the young gun was given a serious talking-to by Cronulla junior rugby league about the not-so-friendly tattoos.

One tattoo reads 'eat st f**t' while the other leg bears the words 'snort lines and f***'.

The officials at Cronulla had no idea about the offensive ink until a snapshot of the player, who remains nameless, found its way onto social media.

It's a tough lesson for the young player, but in the game of footy, respect and sportsmanship are key.

Word to the wise: cover up those tattoos or risk getting benched indefinitely.

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