Raiders reel in young talent for 2024 NRLW

Jaida Faleono | Nick Loken

The Canberra Raiders have solidified their NRLW squad for the 2024 season, adding some fresh new talent to the mix.

Young guns Jaida Faleono, Tatiana Finau, and Relna Wuruki-Hosea have officially signed on with the team, bringing a wave of enthusiasm and skill to the field.

These up-and-coming players are set to make their mark on the NRLW stage for the first time, injecting energy and potential into the Raiders' Top 24 squad for the upcoming season.

Coach Darrin Borthwick is eagerly anticipating the opportunity to work with these promising athletes and witness them in action on the field.

With their sights set on success and determined to leave their mark on the competition, these three new signings are ready to step up to the challenge and show what they're made of.

The Raiders are gearing up for an exciting season ahead, and these fresh faces are sure to add some extra spark to the team.

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