Mam pledges redemption: respect and jersey on line

Ben Hunt will start the season in the halves for the Broncos. | Nick Loken

Brisbane Broncos player, Mam, expressed deep remorse for his actions following a guilty plea for driving under the influence of drugs and without a license.

Mam was fined $850 and banned from driving for nine months by the Brisbane Magistrates Court.

In addition, he received an infringement notice for failing to have proper control of a vehicle.

The Broncos imposed further penalties, including a $90,000 fine and various programs aimed at addressing his behavior.

Mam vowed to work hard to regain respect and his place in the team by participating in driving training, work/study placements, and ongoing wellbeing support programs set up by the club.

The incident and its consequences have served as a wake-up call for Mam, who is determined to learn from his mistakes: "I want to show with actions, not just with words, that I am committed to earning back respect and my jersey."

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