Broncos drop Langer from training team, angers old boys

Telling Michael Maguire move towards Broncos old boys called out after Allan Langer snub | Jess Malloy

The Brisbane Broncos have been rocked by new coach Michael Maguire's bold move, as he has decided to sideline Allan Langer from the training team.

This decision has not gone down well with the Broncos old boys, causing further friction within the club.

Despite Maguire suggesting that Langer will have a different role at the club in 2025, it remains to be seen if the club legend will accept this change.

Langer, reportedly 'shattered' by the news, has been left reeling after his close friend and former teammate Kevin Walters was controversially axed as head coach.

Maguire's actions have once again put him at odds with the Broncos old boys, following his public spat with Gorden Tallis.

Sports reporter Brent Read has likened Maguire's actions to rearranging furniture to fit his vision for the club.

With the Broncos finishing 12th in 2024 and facing off-field controversies, Maguire's shake-up may be just what the team needs to turn their fortunes around.

"He may no longer be the trainer at Broncos, but he has left his mark.

After years of service, the decision to part ways with Langer was inevitable, especially after the departure of Kevvie," Read commented on Maguire's bold move.

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