Warriors to Blaze a Trail in Heritage Round

GWM Game Day Guide: Rd 17

LeagueNews.co | Jason Patrick

The New Zealand Warriors are set to make history this Saturday as they take to the field in their 2024 Heritage Round jersey, reminiscent of their debut season in 1995.

The absence of a major sponsor's logo on the front of the jersey is a unique touch never before seen in the Warriors' 721 matches played so far.

CEO Jason Paris explained that this decision was made purposefully to pay homage to the original design.

The unveiling of this stunning jersey in February has generated excitement among fans and players alike, with many eager to see the team don this iconic kit on the field.

As the Warriors gear up to face off against the Brisbane Broncos at Go Media Stadium, anticipation is high for what promises to be a thrilling match-up.

With the stadium already sold out and kick-off set for 5.00pm, this game is sure to be a classic showdown filled with heart-stopping moments and edge-of-your-seat action.

So, get ready to witness history in the making as the Warriors don their heritage jersey and take on their rivals in what is shaping up to be a game for the ages.

It's time to strap in, hold on tight, and prepare for a Rugby League clash that is bound to be talked about for years to come.

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