Queensland officials penalize Channel 9 for Origin ad

This incident has reignited concerns on both sides of the border. Photo: NRL Photos / Brett Costello

LeagueNews.co | Jess Malloy

Queensland officials are not happy with Channel 9's decision to include a controversial moment from Game 1 in a commercial leading up to Origin Game 2.

This move has stirred up some trouble in the Sunshine State, with former player Andrew Johns even suggesting that Latrell Mitchell has gotten into the heads of the Maroons.

In addition to the verbal sparring from the south, Blues player Jarome Luai has added fuel to the fire by praising his new halves partner Mitchell Moses as the missing piece to their puzzle after a disappointing Game 1.

But now, the Queensland Rugby League (QRL) officials are fuming over Channel 9's promotion of the upcoming game.

The broadcaster's commercials, aimed at building hype around the pivotal match where the Blues will fight to even the series, have rubbed Queensland the wrong way.

It seems like tensions are running high before the big game, with both sides eager to come out on top in what promises to be a fierce showdown at the MCG.

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