NSW stars pull a fast one in video clip

Jarome Luai and Joseph Suaalii are dangerous together. Photo: Facebook, NRLonNine.

LeagueNews.co | Cooper McEnroe

NSW coach Michael Maguire has thrown down the gauntlet, declaring that Jarome Luai has "got everyone fooled" in a jaw-dropping turn of events.

A video has surfaced that leaves no doubt in anyone's mind.

Jarome Luai and Joseph Suaalii, it seems, are like oil and water when it comes to being a dynamic duo.

The evidence? A viral video showcasing their epic fail during a promo shoot for Channel 9, just days before the State of Origin Game 1 showdown at Accor Stadium.

In the footage, the pair struggle to keep a straight face as they attempt to recite lines fed to them by an offscreen producer.

Suaalii, in particular, succumbs to a fit of laughter that renders him speechless.

For fans of the game, this behind-the-scenes blooper reel is a rare glimpse into the lighter side of these two footy stars.

Will this comedic mishap impact their performance on the field? Only time will tell.

But one thing's for sure - when it comes to camaraderie, Luai and Suaalii might need to work on their chemistry before kick-off.

Let's hope they can find their groove and show us what they're really made of when the game begins.

After all, in the game of Rugby League, teamwork is everything.

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