LeagueNews.co | Jason Patrick
In a classic case of "rugby league judiciary drama," the dynamic duo from the Raiders, Xavier Savage and Ethan Strange, have found themselves in hot water after their clash with the Tigers.
Savage, known for his fierce tackles and lightning speed on the field, has been slapped with a grade one dangerous contact charge.
However, like a true team player, he has opted to take the early plea and cough up a $1000 fine to avoid suspension.
On the other hand, Strange, with his knack for bold plays and risky moves, has found himself in trouble for a grade one careless high tackle.
But fear not, as he too has chosen the path of the early plea and will be paying an $1800 fine to stay in the game.
For these two young guns, it's just another bump in the road in their promising rugby league careers.
As they say in the league world, no guts, no glory.
So here's to Savage and Strange, may they learn from their mistakes and come back stronger and wiser for the next battle on the field.