Shining Bright, Earps, and Hemp: Honoured World Cup Heroes

Millie Bright | Jess Malloy

In the New Year honours list, three of England's women World Cup stars, Millie Bright, Mary Earps, and Lauren Hemp, have been recognized for their outstanding contributions to the sport.

Bright, who served as captain in the absence of Leah Williamson, has been awarded an OBE, highlighting her exceptional leadership skills on the field.

Earps, the team's goalkeeper, and Hemp, a talented forward, have both received MBEs, further establishing their remarkable abilities within the game.

Notably, Earps was also recently named BBC Sports Personality of the Year, underscoring her exceptional performance and impact in the world of rugby.

Although England fell just short in the final, losing 1-0 to Spain in Sydney, their previous triumph at the European Championship in 2022 showcases the remarkable achievements of the team.

Moreover, former Leeds Rhinos teammates, Kevin Sinfield and Rob Burrow, have been honored with CBEs for their outstanding efforts in raising awareness for motor neurone disease.

Sinfield's relentless fundraising efforts, which have accumulated over £15m, have provided crucial support for Burrow, diagnosed with MND in 2019.

Sinfield's recent completion of the "7 in 7 in 7" challenge, conquering seven ultramarathons in as many days, exemplifies his unwavering dedication and determination.

The recognition of these exceptional individuals not only celebrates their remarkable achievements in sport but also acknowledges their significant contributions to the wider community.

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