Player in ink-sidious debacle leads to permanent relocation

The photo that sparked the furore. Photo: Instagram | Cooper McEnroe

A footy player recently found himself in hot water over some controversial leg tattoos, but has since made a decisive move to avoid further trouble.

The Cronulla junior rugby league player, known for his offensive ink, has taken action to cover up the tattoos that caused a stir last month.

This 23-year-old hooker for the Aquinas Colts faced the threat of being banned from playing in a NSW Rugby League competition unless he concealed the "vile" tattoos.

The player, identified as Joshua Taylor-Myles, caused quite a commotion with his provocative body art, leading to calls for him to cover them up or face consequences.

The tattoos, with explicit language and crude messages, caught the attention of league officials and fans alike.

However, in a bid to put the controversy behind him, Taylor-Myles revealed on social media that he had taken steps to disguise the offensive tattoos while on a trip to Bali.

It seems that this footy player is keen to move past the tattoo scandal and focus on his game.

His decision to cover up the controversial ink shows a determination to put the incident behind him and continue playing the sport he loves.

In the rough and tumble world of rugby league, it's important to stay focused on the game and not get distracted by off-field controversies.

It will be interesting to see how this player bounces back from the tattoo debacle and whether he can prove his worth on the field.

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