Johns slams Cherry-Evans for sneaky Origin move

Andrew Johns has accused Daly Cherry-Evans of a ’cheap shot’. | Cooper McEnroe

Rugby League legend Andrew Johns has thrown a flag on the play, calling out Queensland captain Daly Cherry-Evans for a sneaky move that went unnoticed by many during Game 1.

The Immortal has sounded the alarm about a "cheap shot" that DCE took at Angus Crichton, warning him to watch his back in the upcoming Origin clash.

In a masterclass performance, DCE led the Maroons to a resounding 38-12 victory over a reduced 12-man Blues squad in Sydney, earning himself the man of the match honors.

But Johns isn't letting him off the hook that easily, highlighting a moment in the 56th minute where Cherry-Evans seemed to give Crichton a rough shove to the ground.

"I actually saw a clip of a bit of cheeky play from Daly," Johns revealed on Channel 9's Sunday Footy Show.

"He got Angus on the turf, so Angus better brace himself for what's coming in Origin II."

With Game II looming in Melbourne, Cherry-Evans will need to watch his step as Johns and the rest of the rugby league community are now eyeing him closely.

It's game on for the Maroons skipper as he faces scrutiny for his on-field antics, setting the stage for a fiery clash in the ultimate test of state pride and rivalry.

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