Jarryd Hayne scores big on and off field

Jarryd Hayne breaks silence after prison release with excited message

LeagueNews.co | Jess Malloy

Jarryd Hayne has emerged from his recent stint behind bars with a renewed sense of excitement and enthusiasm, much like a star player returning from injury to dominate on the field once again.

While Latrell Mitchell was making a triumphant comeback to the State of Origin arena, Hayne was watching in awe as a free man after a tumultuous few years.

"Wow, Trelly mitt!!!" Hayne exclaimed on Facebook as he witnessed Mitchell's stellar performance for the Blues, scoring tries and delivering bone-crushing tackles.

It was a sight to behold for Hayne, who had experienced his own share of ups and downs in recent times.

After three years away from the spotlight, Mitchell's return couldn't have been more impressive.

Inserted into the team in place of the suspended Joseph Suaalii, Mitchell seamlessly integrated into NSW's game plan to help the Blues secure a crucial victory over Queensland and level the series at 1-1, reminiscent of legendary comebacks in Rugby League history.

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