Hammer swings back into Origin III lineup

Injury Update: Hammer cleared for Origin III

LeagueNews.co | Nick Loken

In a dramatic turn of events, it has been confirmed that Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow, also known as 'The Hammer,' will be fit to grace the field for the upcoming Origin decider in Brisbane.

Despite suffering a minor AC joint injury during Wednesday's intense clash against NSW, Tabuai-Fidow demonstrated true grit and determination by returning to finish the game.

Fortunately, scans have revealed that the injury is only a grade-one AC joint injury, providing some much-needed reassurance for Tabuai-Fidow and his fans.

While he will be sitting out the Dolphins' upcoming match against the Dragons, there is no need to worry as he is expected to make a full recovery in time for future games.

Jeremy Hickmans, the Dolphins' Head of Performance, shared that Tabuai-Fidow is in good spirits and has returned to Brisbane in a satisfactory condition.

With his fighting spirit and unwavering dedication, there is no doubt that 'The Hammer' will be back in action soon, ready to take on any challenge that comes his way.

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