LeagueNews.co | Robbie Hamilton

The Parramatta Eels have released their lineup for the upcoming clash against the Newcastle Knights, and it's shaping up to be a ripper of a game\.

Matt Arthur is set to join the prestigious ranks of Eels players as number 846, earning his spot on the NRL bench\.

Star player Mitchell Moses is primed to take the field in his iconic no\.

7 jersey, showing true grit and determination after his State of Origin commitments\.

Maika Sivo is set to make a triumphant return to the team after a brief hiatus due to a pesky hamstring issue\.

And keep an eye out for Matt Doorey, who is poised to make his first NRL appearance of the season, ready to tackle whatever comes his way on the field\.

It's sure to be a showdown for the ages, as these two powerhouse teams prepare to face off in a clash of titans on Saturday\.

Let's hope the Eels can dig deep and pull off a legendary victory on the hallowed turf.

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