Dragon's Capture: Steph Hancock unlocks a new chapter

Jamie Soward moved swiftly to replace one of his most important players. Picture: Bradley Kanaris/Getty Images

LeagueNews.co | Jason Patrick

In a move that has the rugby league world buzzing, NRLW legend Steph Hancock has thrown her hat in the ring for another season, this time suiting up for the Dragons in 2024.

The announcement came after the Dragons learned that powerhouse forward Tara McGrath-West would be sidelined for the upcoming NRLW season due to a sternum injury.

The 42-year-old Hancock, a two-time World Cup champion who has donned the maroon jersey for Queensland 16 times and boasts a record 33 NRLW appearances, including a previous stint with the Dragons in 2020, brings a wealth of experience to the young Dragons squad.

Coach Jamie Soward couldn't hide his excitement about securing Hancock's signature, describing her as "one of the greatest front rowers to ever play the game." Soward acknowledged the void left by McGrath-West's absence but expressed gratitude for landing a player of Hancock's caliber.

"We were really lucky that Steph fell into the lap," Soward said, using a classic sporting cliché.

"It's a really big signing for the club, not only for her talents on the field but also for the leadership and experience she brings off it."

Soward highlighted Hancock's exemplary character both on and off the field, emphasizing her role in nurturing the team's budding talent.

With Hancock's return, the Dragons are poised to make waves in the upcoming season, with her presence adding a touch of class and grit to the squad.

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