Country girls snatch victory in nail-biting extra innings

Country steals U19s Women's win in extra time thriller | Jason Patrick

In a thrilling display of grit and determination, Country emerged victorious over City in a heart-pounding clash at Leichhardt Oval.

The Westpac Under 19s Country v City game had fans on the edge of their seats as the two teams battled it out in a game that truly went the distance.

After the final whistle blew with the scores deadlocked at 18-all, it was clear that this wasn't going to be an ordinary match.

Extra time was needed to separate the two fierce rivals, and it was Country's prop Hope Millard who rose to the occasion with a powerful try right under the posts.

The tension was palpable as hooker Chelsea Savill sealed the deal with a crucial penalty goal.

It was a game of highs and lows, with City's Manilita Takapautolo putting on a stellar performance that earned her the Player of the Match title.

But it was Country's Indie Bostock, the talented sister of NRL star Jack Bostock, who shone brightest with a brace of tries that left the opposition reeling.

From the very first set of the game, it was clear that Country meant business.

A costly error from City gifted them prime attacking position, and Bostock wasted no time in finding the try line with a dazzling display of skill and speed.

The momentum continued to swing in Country's favor as back-rower Tess McWilliams charged down a kick and powered her way over the line, putting her team in the driver's seat.

In the end, it was a hard-fought victory for Country, a display of true Aussie spirit and determination that will go down in Rugby League history as a classic example of never giving up.

The cheers of the fans echoed through the stadium, a testament to the passion and intensity of the game we all love.

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