Burton and Mahoney: Combos or Competition? Revelations Await

Burton and Mahoney on combos and competition

LeagueNews.co | Jason Patrick

In his debut season as captain of the Bulldogs, Reed Mahoney faced both triumph and heartache, leaving him determined to become a stronger leader.

The hardworking hooker, known for his tenacity and resilience, insists that his experiences have shaped him into a more well-rounded player.

Reflecting on the mixed bag of results and emotions, Mahoney admits that there were highs where he felt on top of the world, leading his team to victory with precision and grit.

However, there were also lows that tested his resolve and forced him to dig deep to rally his troops.

But as the Bulldogs gear up for the 2024 season, Mahoney remains optimistic, ready to lead his squad onto the battlefield once more.

With a squad of talented players and the guidance of Head Coach Cameron Ciraldo, Mahoney is confident that they have the perfect recipe for success.

Together, they will forge a formidable unit, using their actions on and off the field to inspire and uplift their teammates.

And with the addition of nine new recruits, the Bulldogs are gearing up to unleash their full potential, building a squad that is star-studded and ready to take on any challenge that comes their way.

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