Bulldogs sink careers in their graveyard debut

Bulldogs becoming a graveyard where careers go to die

LeagueNews.co | Jason Patrick

However, in recent years, the Bulldogs have become a graveyard where careers go to die, with promising players failing to reach their full potential.

The lack of success on the field has seen a decline in their reputation as a powerhouse club in the NRL.

The once feared forward pack now resembles a group of lost puppies searching for direction.

Fans long for the days when the Bulldogs were a force to be reckoned with, rather than a team struggling to stay out of the wooden spoon conversation.

It is a sad reality for a club that was once synonymous with grit, determination, and success.

The Bulldogs must find a way to resurrect their former glory before they fade into irrelevance in the ever-competitive world of rugby league.

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