Bulldogs and SDA unite for inclusive match day

Bulldogs join forces with SDA to promote diversity and inclusion

LeagueNews.co | Nick Loken

In a move that is sure to score big points with the community, the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs have teamed up with Supporting Disabilities Australia (SDA) for a special match day partnership.

This partnership will be on full display during the Round 18 clash against the New Zealand Warriors, a round dedicated to celebrating diversity and inclusion.

SDA is known for offering top-notch support services geared towards enhancing the lives of individuals and families living with disabilities.

From providing accommodation to in-home assistance, SDA's dedication to making a positive impact mirrors the Bulldogs' commitment to being an inclusive, family-oriented club.

In a show of support, Bulldogs legends Terry Lamb and Josh Reynolds, along with current players like Josh Addo-Carr, Ryan Sutton, and Karl Oloapu, paid a visit to SDA's newest site in Sefton, NSW.

This site offers supported independent living with premium access to disability services within the community.

The Bulldogs CEO Aaron Warburton was also on hand to show support and solidarity with the SDA participants, carers, and staff.

This collaboration between the Bulldogs and SDA is a true testament to the power of teamwork and community spirit in the world of Rugby League.

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