Braydon Trindall tackles off-field demons, returns for Sharks

Braydon Trindall is back in the NRL for the first time since he was charged. Picture: Brendon Thorne/Getty Images | Jason Patrick

'A bit of a rough trot': Braydon Trindall set to lace up for the Sharks in the NRL after owning up to driving charges

Old mate Craig Fitzgibbon reckons star half Braydon Trindall has copped a few hits and is ready to bounce back as he gears up for his NRL comeback.

The Sharks are looking to turn the tide after a rough loss at home as they take on Parramatta this Thursday.

Trindall will be back in action for the first time since he got busted for failing roadside tests for booze and drugs on April 22.

He copped a fine and a three-month driving ban after pleading guilty to the charges this week.

The NRL also gave him a tap on the shoulder with a breach notice, and they might have more in store for him next week.

"It's been a bit of a sticky situation, honestly, with all the 'will we or won't we put him back in?' chatter," Fitzgibbon said.

"We've decided to chuck him in this weekend and make sure he's ready to rock.

He's put in the hard yards behind the scenes to show the NRL that he's learnt his lesson, the hard way.

He's really put in the hard yards on and off the field to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen again."

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