Bennett blitzes NRL refs: calls for rule revolution

Wayne Bennett goes nuclear over NRL refereeing farce | Jason Patrick

Wayne Bennett has launched a verbal onslaught on the NRL, slamming the refereeing debacle that has plagued the sport in recent times.

The iconic coach, known for his tactical prowess and no-nonsense approach, has hit out at the state of officiating in the game, declaring it a farce that has left fans frothing at the mouth.

The 74-year-old, a legend of the game with a career spanning decades, has taken matters into his own hands by going rogue and speaking out against the incompetence he believes is tarnishing the sport.

In a no-holds-barred interview with, Bennett has pulled no punches in his scathing assessment of the NRL's handling of the situation.

Bennett, a true mastermind of Rugby League with a plethora of championships under his belt, has called for a radical rule change to address the ongoing issues with refereeing.

He has passionately argued that the inconsistencies in officiating have led to unfair treatment of teams, including his own beloved Dolphins.

In a move reminiscent of a seasoned coach rallying his troops before a crucial match, Bennett has made it clear that the time for change is now.

With the fire of a thousand suns burning within him, he has issued a rallying cry to all those involved in the sport to rectify the situation before it spirals out of control.

As the dust settles on Bennett's explosive comments, the Rugby League community waits with bated breath to see if his words will spark the much-needed revolution in the officiating of the game.

Will his bold stance be the catalyst for change, or will it be just another footnote in the colorful history of Rugby League? Only time will tell.

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